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NVIDIA Melody http://developer.nvidia.com/object/melody_home.html NVIDIA Melody creates high quality normal maps that make a low-poly model look like a high-poly model. Simply load your low poly working model, then load your high-poly reference model, click the "Generate Normal Map" button and watch Melody go to town. You can also can use Melody to generate LODs for you with the "Generate Progressive Mesh" fe.. 2005. 6. 14.
Development of Cluster-based Image Viewer http://www.fusiongrid.org/research/papers/hpdc02-viewer.pdf [PDF] Development of Cluster-based Image Viewer Abstract 1. Technical ... 파일 타입: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - HTML 버젼 ... Development of Cluster-based Image Viewer. Justin Binns, Michael E. Papka, and Rick Stevens. Argonne National Laboratory. Argonne, IL 60439. {binns,papka,stevens}@mcs.anl.gov. Qian Peng and David Schissel. General Atomics ..... 2005. 5. 4.
The Plenoptic Function http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/CVonline/LOCAL_COPIES/ASHBROOK1/node4.html#SECTION00022000000000000000 The Plenoptic Function The plenoptic function is the 5-dimensional function representing the intensity or chromacity of the light observed from every position and direction in 3-dimensional space. In image based modelling the aim is to reconstruct the plenoptic function from a set of examples.. 2005. 4. 13.
VSMM 2005: First call for Papers - October 3-7, Ghent, Belgium FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS VSMM2005 : VIRTUAL REALITY AT WORK IN THE 21ST CENTURY The 11th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia October 3 – 7, 2005 Flanders Expo, Ghent, Belgium http://www.vsmm.org/2005/ This year marks the return of the International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia to Europe. VSMM2005 continues to push the boundaries of Virtual Reality and Multimed.. 2005. 4. 13.