연구/북마크30 링크들 http://zho.pe.kr/link.html 유용한 링크들 http://archive.myhyun.com/zeroboard/data/phd/링크.mht 2003. 12. 19. 주의깊게 봐야할 몇몇 사이트 ☞ GPGPU : General Purpose Computation Using Graphics Hardware (GPU를 전통적인 T&L 이외의 다른 용도로 사용...) http://www.gpgpu.org ☞ Future of Terrain Programming : http://www.andyc.org/lecture/viewlog.php?log=Future%20of%20Terrain%20Programming 출처 : 번역가 류광 http://www.gpgstudy.com/gpgiki/%B7%F9%B1%A4 2003. 12. 19. realtimerendering.com Real-Time Rendering Website : http://www.realtimerendering.com graphics3d.com : http://www.graphics3d.com > Resources for the 3D Graphics Community: developers, researchers, artists, gamers, and enthusiasts. 2003. 12. 18. Java 2D Close Curve Simulator (2000) http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~shin/ Java 2D Close Curve Simulator: (2000) : http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~shin/Research/CCurve/CCurve.html 2D Curve Curvature Visualization C-2 continuity B-spline (1999) : http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~shin/Java_Applets/Curvature.html 2003. 12. 12. 이전 1 ··· 4 5 6 7 8 다음