정보기술444 제로보드 (Zeroboard) 4 에서 티스토리로 이사하기 텍스트큐브 공식 정보 http://www.textcube.org/center/entry/migration http://jblove.net/b12/1183 참고 블로그 http://v.daum.net/link/4708726 Perl 프로그램 http://pat.bingsan.net/249 http://nbfnote.tistory.com/486 텍스트큐브에서 티스토리 데이터 이전 방법 http://liverex.tistory.com/578 대옹량 블로그 백업 파일 XML 분할하기 방법 http://kuna.wo.tc/1085 데이터 유지하면서 마이그레이션 하는 방법 http://cirrus.tistory.com/890 자료 변환툴 zb2tt_2009: http://jblove.net/b12/attachmen.. 2010. 5. 25. CIFS share in Alfresco http://www.davidbaker.cc/?q=node/3 # Append the following to /usr/share/tomcat6/shared/classes/alfresco-global.properties cifs.enabled=true cifs.Server.Name=alfresco cifs.ipv6.enabled=false cifs.tcpipSMB.port=1445 cifs.netBIOSSMB.namePort=1137 cifs.netBIOSSMB.datagramPort=1138 cifs.netBIOSSMB.sessionPort=1139 # To load the NAT module at system startup append the following to /etc/modules iptable.. 2010. 5. 10. Manual Intall Alfresco 3.3 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS http://blog.mycroes.nl/2010/04/installing-alfresco-33-on-ubuntu-lucid.html Installing Alfresco 3.3 on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx LTS (10.04) I happily reused my previous installing Alfresco post to provide you with a new post detailing the setup of the forthcoming Alfresco release on the forthcoming Ubuntu release. I'm still trying to figure a proper way to format content, but it should be readable at al.. 2010. 5. 10. Ubunto 10.04 LTS on VMWare - Keyborad bug http://communities.vmware.com/thread/263410 in /etc/default/console-setup. XKBMODEL="SKIP" XKBLAYOUT="us" XKBVARIANT="U.S. English" XKBOPTIONS="" XKBMODEL="pc105" XKBLAYOUT="us" XKBVARIANT="" XKBOPTIONS="" 2010. 5. 3. 이전 1 ··· 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ··· 111 다음