정보기술/일반399 Incremental Backup in Windows 7 http://www.brighthub.com/computing/windows-platform/articles/53645.aspx http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/w7itprogeneral/thread/50f3ff7a-2ae7-41c1-ac92-41edaed1e2f9 2010. 3. 24. Wake-on-Lan over Internet http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?topic=5934.0 Port forward UDP 7 and 9 Memo Mac Address Use http://wakeonlan.me For D-Link Routers: 1. Go to Advanced -> Port Forwarding 2. Check a new box to enable a new rule and give it a name, ex. WOL 3. Under IP Address enter your PC's address, ex. (not 4. under UDP enter 7, 9 5. Leave the defaults for Schedule: Always and Inbound.. 2010. 2. 20. Korean Radio http://www.multilingualbooks.com/online-radio-korean.html 안동MBC http://mbclive.andong.com/fm_live 전주MBC 목포MBC http://www.mokpombc.co.kr/common/onair.php?type=fm C-SPAN mms://rx-wes-sea83.rbn.com/farm/pull/tx-rbn-sea007:1459/wmtencoder/cspan/cspan/wmlive/cspan4db.asf 2010. 2. 13. HTML5 Sketch Pad http://mugtug.com/sketchpad/ 2010. 2. 12. 이전 1 ··· 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ··· 100 다음