연구218 Web3D 2006 Keynote and Tutorials are posted: http://www.web3d2006.org/program.html From: "Nicholas F. Polys" Date: July 20, 2006 11:53:57 AM PDT Subject: [www-vrml] Web3D 2006 slidesets posted! Reply-To: Greetings all~ I am pleased to annnounce that the slidesets from Web3D 2006 Keynote and Tutorials are posted: http://www.web3d2006.org/program.html as you may know, last year's tutorials are also posted at: http://www.3dui.org/web3d2005 en.. 2006. 7. 21. Show Control http://www.utexas.edu/cofa/theatre/grads/gradtech.html GSCT 세미나 안내 제목: Show Control 일시: 2006년 7월 18일 (화) 오후 4시 장소: 문화기술대학원 CT Hall (N8동 3229) 연사: 김정로 (MFA candidate, University of Texa-Austin) Show control is a linkage of separate live entertainment control systems into a “meta” system, a system of systems. The key element of this definition (which has its roots in the theme park world) is that .. 2006. 7. 18. 2006년 9월 10일 까지 - IEEE Virtual Reality 2007 -----Original Message----- From: IEEE Virtual Reality [mailto:IEEEVRLIST@LISTSERV.UNCC.EDU] On Behalf Of Oliver Staadt Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 3:54 AM To: IEEEVRLIST@LISTSERV.UNCC.EDU Subject: CfP: IEEE Virtual Reality 2007 *** IEEE Virtual Reality 2007 *** First Call for Participation We invite you to participate in the IEEE Virtual Reality 2007 conference in Charlotte, North Carolina, US.. 2006. 6. 1. The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) http://www.iitsec.org 2006. 5. 21. 이전 1 ··· 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ··· 55 다음