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미국 교수들의 학생 서비스 2

by fermi 2008. 2. 6.

1. 결국 한 교수가 기억력에 문제가 있는 학생을 위해서 PDA를 지원해줄 사람을 찾아나섬
2. 수많은 지원자 나타남
3. 제일 쓸만한 걸 골라서 지원 해줌.

Many people responded to this call and I would like to thank everyone on such incredible support - what a great evidence of care and understanding that people at NPS have.

After checking all messages it seems that Loren (Peitso) has a device with most recent date of production, and he kindly offered it as interim help while student is at NPS. I am sure this will greatly help her with her daily routine. Being a life-long techie in my heart :-) I am always very pleased to see when technology can help in situations like this.

Many thanks once again to everyone.

'지역 > Monterey' 카테고리의 다른 글

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