지구상에서 손으로 돌릴 수 있는 가장 빠른 디바이스 라고 합니다.
테니스, 골프 선수들이 손목을 단련하는데 이용한다고 하네요.
제품에 A Revolutionary New Fitness Product 라고 표기되어 있습니다.
자자 모두 질러 봅시다.
팔뚝 단련 해 봅시다 ㅋㅋㅋ
묵직하게 팔뚝에 힘들어 가는게 좋습니다.
자세한 설명은 제조사 홈페이지 ( http://www.powerballs.com ) 를 참고하세요.
또는 http://www.power-ball.com
부위별 training : http://www.international.power-ball.com/powerball-english/seiten/content_seiten/pbtraining.html
Training for the grip of the fingers
Hold the Powerball with the tip of your fingers only.
Thus you exercise the muscles in your fingers without risking any over-exercising.
This is because the rotor gets slower and the forces decrease as soon as you give in and reduce the power you put in.
This is very good training for rock climbers, mountain bikers or piano players.
Wrist exercises
Hold your Powerball firmly in your hand and accelerate while you perform circles with your wrist.
This is good training of your coordination. Do it clockwise and anti-clockwise. Do the same with the other hand.
After a long time of immobility due to injuries you can improve the mobility of your wrist. This exercise is also good for all kinds of sports where the wrist is important: tennis, hockey, cycling, golf.
It is also a good exercise in rehab after any kind of injury and with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
The soft movement of the ball supports the healing process and your wirst will gain stability.
Exercises for the lower arm
Accelerate the rotor while trying to hold the wrist firm and stiff. Now the power will automatically come from the muscles of your lower arm. You will even see how the muscles work and move.
Powerball is the best training device to improve the coordination of the lower arm muscles.
It is good warm-up before you start your sport. Even after only a short time of exercising you will feel your arm getting warm.
Regular Powerball training will prevent tennis elbow.
Exercises for your biceps
Accelerate the rotor and hold the Powerball upwards as you see it in the picture.
You will feel how the muscles in your upper arm start working.
These exercises are good for all sports where a strong biceps is important: e.g. rock-climbing, tennis, rowing, and many others.
Exercises for the triceps
Accelerate the Powerball. Hold your arm outstretched and turn the back of your hand inward and to the front. You will feel how the triceps works.
This exercise is good for all sports where strong upper arm muscles are important: tennis, rowing, climbing.
Exercises for your shoulder
Hold your arm stretched to the side and accelerate. This exercise can ease the pain in your shoulders and you will feel the positive effect up to your neck.
One thing is true for all exercises. In order to accelerate the Powerball and support the rotation you have to get a feeling for the ball. This is very good for your concentration and you will improve your body feeling.
테니스, 골프 선수들이 손목을 단련하는데 이용한다고 하네요.
제품에 A Revolutionary New Fitness Product 라고 표기되어 있습니다.
자자 모두 질러 봅시다.
팔뚝 단련 해 봅시다 ㅋㅋㅋ
묵직하게 팔뚝에 힘들어 가는게 좋습니다.
자세한 설명은 제조사 홈페이지 ( http://www.powerballs.com ) 를 참고하세요.
또는 http://www.power-ball.com
부위별 training : http://www.international.power-ball.com/powerball-english/seiten/content_seiten/pbtraining.html
Training for the grip of the fingers
Hold the Powerball with the tip of your fingers only.
Thus you exercise the muscles in your fingers without risking any over-exercising.
This is because the rotor gets slower and the forces decrease as soon as you give in and reduce the power you put in.
This is very good training for rock climbers, mountain bikers or piano players.
Wrist exercises
Hold your Powerball firmly in your hand and accelerate while you perform circles with your wrist.
This is good training of your coordination. Do it clockwise and anti-clockwise. Do the same with the other hand.
After a long time of immobility due to injuries you can improve the mobility of your wrist. This exercise is also good for all kinds of sports where the wrist is important: tennis, hockey, cycling, golf.
It is also a good exercise in rehab after any kind of injury and with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
The soft movement of the ball supports the healing process and your wirst will gain stability.
Exercises for the lower arm
Accelerate the rotor while trying to hold the wrist firm and stiff. Now the power will automatically come from the muscles of your lower arm. You will even see how the muscles work and move.
Powerball is the best training device to improve the coordination of the lower arm muscles.
It is good warm-up before you start your sport. Even after only a short time of exercising you will feel your arm getting warm.
Regular Powerball training will prevent tennis elbow.
Exercises for your biceps
Accelerate the rotor and hold the Powerball upwards as you see it in the picture.
You will feel how the muscles in your upper arm start working.
These exercises are good for all sports where a strong biceps is important: e.g. rock-climbing, tennis, rowing, and many others.
Exercises for the triceps
Accelerate the Powerball. Hold your arm outstretched and turn the back of your hand inward and to the front. You will feel how the triceps works.
This exercise is good for all sports where strong upper arm muscles are important: tennis, rowing, climbing.
Exercises for your shoulder
Hold your arm stretched to the side and accelerate. This exercise can ease the pain in your shoulders and you will feel the positive effect up to your neck.
One thing is true for all exercises. In order to accelerate the Powerball and support the rotation you have to get a feeling for the ball. This is very good for your concentration and you will improve your body feeling.
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