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ICAT 2004 Call for Paper 마감 연장 6월 15일

by fermi 2004. 6. 1.

The 14th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence

November 30 ~ December 2, 2004 COEX, Seoul, Korea

■ Paper Format
The authors should submit abstracts to the secretariat no later than June 15, 2004 on-line or by e-mail.
Please be informed that the authors of accepted papers should register to the conference by the deadline of early registration to have their papers included in the conference program and proceedings.

■ Deadline of Extended summary Submission
June 15, 2004
Authors can get the confirmation message shortly after the submission on-line.  

■ Areas of Interest
*Anthropomorphic Intelligent Robotics
*Artificial Life
*Artificial Reality / Virtual Reality  
*Augmented Reality / Mixed Reality
*Communication with Realistic Sensations
*Distributed and Collaborative VR Systems
*Evaluation of VR Techniques and Systems
*Human Factors of VR
*Immersive Projection Technology
*Innovative Applications of VR
*Interactive Art and Entertainment
*Motion Tracking
*Multimodal Human Interface
*Real Time Computer Simulation
*Retro-reflective Projection Technology
*Software Architecture for VR
*Teleoperation / Telexistence /Telepresence
*Tools and Techniques for Modeling VR Systems
*Ubiquitous/Wearable Computing
*Virtual Heritage
*Virtual Medicine and Health Science
*Visual and Auditory Display
*VR and Media Art
*VR Input and Output Devices
*VR Interaction and Navigation Techniques

■ How to Prepare
Maximum length : 3 pages including all figures, tables and references
Format : A4 size, single space, double column, Times Roman of font size 10
Proposals for workshops, tutorials, and special sessions must include a description of  the objectives,   experience level and prerequisites of the intended audience, about 200-word abstract, outline of the content and   the instructor’s vita. Proposal should be around 3 pages single spaced in length. Please be sure to include the   contact persons,affiliations, addresses, tel numbers and email addresses.

Proposals for exhibitions must also include a description of content and size of the space required.

■ Where to Prepare
Papers must be written in English and all the submissions will be done electronically at the ICAT 2004 website ( Paper Submission >> On-line Submission ) or by e-mail (judy@icat2004.org).

■ What to Prepare
a. Abstracts (extended summary)
b. Brief Biography (Download Form)