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Dead Line - SIGGRAPH 2004 : 1.21

by fermi 2003. 11. 3.
Welcome to the SIGGRAPH 2004 Call for Participation.

This is where we ask you to contribute your
time, effort, and skill to the premier annual conference on computer graphics
and interactive techniques.

Bring your new results, products, and recent
work to the place where they can be seen, evaluated, and enjoyed by your peers.
Your ideas and achievements will inspire your international professional

If you have new research results, ideas, or applications,

href="http://www.siggraph.org/s2004/cfp/papers/index.php?pageID=cfp">Papers Deadline: 21 January 2004
href="http://www.siggraph.org/s2004/cfp/sketches/index.php?pageID=cfp">Sketches Deadline: 7 April 2004
href="http://www.siggraph.org/s2004/cfp/posters/index.php?pageID=cfp">Posters Deadline: 19 May 2004

If you create digital animation, film, or
video, consider:

href="http://www.siggraph.org/s2004/cfp/caf/index.php?pageID=cfp">Computer Animation Festival
Deadline: 3 March 2004
href="http://www.siggraph.org/s2004/cfp/sketches/index.php?pageID=cfp">Sketches Deadline: 7 April 2004

If you produce innovative or experimental
interactive work, go to:

href="http://www.siggraph.org/s2004/cfp/web/index.php?pageID=cfp">Web Graphics Deadline: 31 March 2004
href="http://www.siggraph.org/s2004/cfp/etech/index.php?pageID=cfp">Emerging Technologies
Deadline: 4 February 2004

If your digital art is ready for prime
time, check out:

href="http://www.siggraph.org/s2004/cfp/art/index.php?pageID=cfp">Art Gallery Deadline: 28 January 2004
href="http://www.siggraph.org/s2004/cfp/etech/index.php?pageID=cfp">Emerging Technologies
Deadline: 4 February 2004
href="http://www.siggraph.org/s2004/cfp/sketches/index.php?pageID=cfp">Sketches Deadline: 7 April 2004

If you're an expert in research,
applications, or education in computer graphics or interactive techniques, and
you have ideas to share with the SIGGRAPH 2004 audience:

href="http://www.siggraph.org/s2004/cfp/courses/index.php?pageID=cfp">Courses Deadline: 7 January 2004
href="http://www.siggraph.org/s2004/cfp/edu/index.php?pageID=cfp">Educators Program Deadline: 18 February 2004
href="http://www.siggraph.org/s2004/cfp/panels/index.php?pageID=cfp">Panels Topics: 12 November 2003
papers: 17 March 2004

If you're a student
wondering how you can participate in SIGGRAPH 2004:

Deadline: 25 February 2004
href="http://www.siggraph.org/s2004/cfp/posters/index.php?pageID=cfp">Posters Deadline: 19 May 2004

If you want to contribute your professional
skill and experience to the conference, please complete this form:

href="http://www.siggraph.org/cgi-bin/volForm.cgi" target=blank>Volunteer

If you're a marketing rep wondering how your company can
meet the people you need to know in this dynamic worldwide community, see:


Please read all of the submission requirements for each of these
programs for more information about how you can contribute to SIGGRAPH 2004. If
you are not sure, contact the program chair for the program you are inquiring
about. Who knows what your participation at SIGGRAPH 2004 might inspire? We look
forward to hearing from you.


SIGGRAPH 2004 Conference Chair
Stanford University